Receive donations from card or crypto
Instant withdrawal to cards of Russian or foreign banks
How it works
The user follows the link
The link is placed in a prominent place on your website, blog or socials
Goes to the payment page
Enter the amount and confirm the payment
WebMoney is instantly credited to your purse
Instant withdrawal to cards of Russian or foreign banks is available
How to create a link
Open your WebMoney wallet
Go to the «Donate links» section
Specify the name of the link and what payment methods will be available
Post the link on socials, blogs, etc.
Demo channel
Flexible customization of the personal payment page
Where to place the QR code
QR code stickers on tables
On the badge
Show on phone
On checks
How to withdraw WebMoney
To cards of Russian or foreign banks
To a crypto wallet (USDT, BTC, etc.)
Pay for many popular services (mobile Communications, utilities, television, games, etc.)
Transfer from purse to purse to another WebMoney user